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Noi modificari in Codul muncii....
Codul muncii a cunoscut mai multe modificari consistente pe 7 august 2017, odata cu intrarea in vigoare a O.U.G. nr. 53/... »

Nou: Plafon de scutire pentru veniturile din dividende, dobanzi...
Legea 112/2016, publicata luni în Monitorul Oficial, introduce un nou alineat la art 179: In cazul persoanelor fiz... »

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Frequent problems incurred during the stocktaking processes

Your own staff does not have the necessary time due to the busy period at the end of the year and shows superficiality having no experience and no training for such activities

Your accounting or financial department has allocated additional time for the performance and management of the stocktaking operations when in fact they could focus on the core business activities

Failure to comply with the legislation regarding the drawing up of the documentation required for the stocktaking activity and failure to complete in due time the stocktaking activity

The results of the stocktaking are rarely accounted for and when this happens, the results are obtained at the last moment

Higher costs due to payment of overtime necessary for the completion of the stocktaking activity

Employees’ unwillingness to travel in order to perform stocktaking activities, especially when such activities have to be carried out in other locations

Risk of accidents due to improper training regarding the norm of labor protection

Risk of getting wrongful results due to participation of persons responsible for the inventory to the stocktaking of their own inventory

Lack of objectivity and confidentiality in case of losses from the company’s patrimony

Failure to detect some losses from the company’s patrimony due to lack of capacity of effort and lack of focus from the team during the stocktaking processes

Lack of experience with the preparation of documents necessary for drawing the liability of the persons responsible when losses or frauds occur

Lack of the necessary know-how for the optimal reconciliation of the stocktaking results