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Interactive training – New Tax Code

Datele dumneavoastra:

A series of changes of the Tax Code and the Tax Procedure Code will come into force in 2016.

We have the pleasure to invite you for an analisys and a debate of the new provisions, on Tuesday, the 23rd of June, in an interactive training. Our guest is Mrs. Tanti Anghel, the Deputy Manager of the General Directorate Tax Procedure Code of the Finance Ministry of Romania.

There will be a special session dedicated to solving practical issues. If you have any specific questions regarding your current activity or uncertainties regarding the legislation, we ask you to send them by email beforehand.

The persons present at the seminar will receive electronic handouts by email afterwards.

The presentations will be held in Romanian.


Rapsodia hall, Intercontinental hotel


Tanti Anghel, Deputy Manager of the General Directorate Tax Procedure Code of the FinanceMinistry

Sorin Istrate, Managing Partner Contexpert

Andreea Steinhart, Partner Contexpert

Simona Penciu, Associate Partner Contexpert

Eugenia Ion, Tax Manager Contexpert

Moderator: Diana Zaharia, journalist at Capital.

Training agenda:

Covered topics:

Profit tax

Tax on microenterprise income

Income tax and social contributions

Natural Independent Persons, independent activities, copyrights

Income from salaries and incomes assimilated to salaries

Other incomes of the natural persons


Local taxes

New Tax Procedure Code:

Attending fee:

*the price does not include VAT


If attending the training is no longer possible, please inform us by email, until the 20th of June 2015. If the annulling is made until the 20th of June 2015, the payed sums will be refunded, except for 35% representing administrative expenses.

In the case the annulling is made after the 20th of June 2015, the paid sums will not be refunded.


please fill out the form below :

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