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Benefits for the employees: holiday vouchers

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The Government approved on July 28th the legislation implementing the regulations on granting the holiday vouchers for the employees working in the private and public system, after the Law regarding the holiday vouchers no. 173/2015 was adopted in late June.

Thus was completed the legislative framework which allows both private companies and public institutions to offer this benefit to their employees.

Holiday vouchers can be issued both in classical format, on paper or electronically, on card.

According to the law and its implementing regulations, holiday vouchers will replace all holiday bonuses, both in private companies and public institutions.

Companies and public institutions will provide each employee holiday vouchers worth up to 6 minimum gross salary per economy, meaning 6.300 lei per year per employee.

The holiday vouchers issued on paper will be personalized with names and the personal identification code of the employees and the nominal value of each voucher will be between 10 and 50 lei (multiple of 10). This way, the employees will not have to spend all vouchers once, being able to buy more vacations.

The new law eliminates the restrictions that only the companies that registered profit in the previous year can offer  employees holiday vouchers.