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Warning: The fiscal controls are intensifying, be ready!

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After it has opened many fronts in order to battle against the tax evasion this year – ghost companies which make frauds regarding the VAT, labor without contract, the huge fortunes and so on – the fiscal authority announces a new intensification of the fiscal controls in 2016. Needing over 10 billion lei in addition, in order to compensate the decrease of the budgeted revenues caused by the fiscal relaxation, and also to cover the increase in salaries from the public sector, the government relies heavily on the activity of the fiscal authority.

Contexpert recommends to all the contributors to verify again the financial and accounting situation and to reanalyze the risks associated to their business in the context of strengthening the controls. In this way, we mention that the fiscal inspections focused mainly on the economical substance of the transactions (the consequence is the cancellation of the right to deduct the expenses and, depending on the situation, the afferent VAT too), not declaring/declaring a lower amount of the revenues from wages and/or revenues having wage nature (controls made together with the Labor Inspection), intra community transactions, transfer pricing.

Attention! The results of this controls quantify themselves by establishing additional amounts representing taxes.

We present you essential aspects about the fiscal inspection and the antifraud control:

How does the inspection differ from an antifraud control?

The purpose of the fiscal inspection is to verify the legality and the compliance of the tax statements, the correctness and the accuracy of fulfilling the obligations, the compliance with the fiscal and accounting framework, the calculation of the tax base and of the differences on the payable fiscal obligations and on the related accessories.

There are two types of antifraud control: operative and unannounced or thematic. The operative and the unannounced one is a routine control, without a prior notice and the inspectors verify the compliance with the legal framework in order to prevent, discover and combat any acts and facts of tax evasion, fiscal fraud and custom fraud. The thematically control is performed according to a thematic control order in which are established the objectives to be verified, the companies that will be verified, the period that will be checked, the period in which the control will be performed and the moment when the control starts. The purpose is to ascertain, to analyze and to evaluate the specific fiscal risk of one or many economical activities.

On what focus the fiscal inspections?

How should the fiscal inspections be conducted starting from 2016?

– 180 days for the large contributors and for the contributors/ payers who have secondary offices regardless of size;

– 90 days for the medium contributors;

– 45 days for the other contributors;

If the tax inspection is not completed in a period representing twice of the period mentioned above, it stops, without issuing a report and a tax decision. In this case, the fiscal authority can restart the inspection for that period and for those fiscal liabilities only once, only with the approval of the superior representative of the fiscal authority and only if the prescription period did not end.

In 45 days from the communication date, the fiscal decision regarding the imposed tax to be paid and the fiscal inspection report can be contested. The contributor may request to the competent authority to orally sustain his appeal. This request can be addressed within maximum 30 days from the date of filing the appeal, under penalty of forfeiture;

Contexpert’s recommendations in case of a fiscal inspection: