O.G. 452/28.06 - Law no. 132/2011 of 27/06/2011 for the approval of the GEO no. 111/2010 regarding the leave and the monthly allowance for raising a child
It was introduced the interdiction that the employer fires the employed woman who is in leave for raising a child of up to 2 years. Previously this interdiction was provided only for the employed women who were in leave for raising a child of up to one year or of up to 3 years in case of handicapped children.
Attention, the following acts are sanctioned with a fine of 10.000 lei:
- Failure to observe by the employer of the obligation to approve the leave for raising a child;
- Failure to observe the obligation not to fire the employed woman during the period of the leave for raising a child or during the period in which she benefits from the insertion stimulant as well as for a period of 6 months after final resuming of the work.
Previously, the fine provided for these contraventions was of 2.500 lei.
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