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OFFICIAL GAZETTE 36/14.01 - Order no. 1865/2010 dated on 17/12/2010 on the Intrastat thresholds for collecting statistical information of Intra-community trade in goods in 2011

The values of Intrastat thresholds for 2011 are: 900,000 lei for intra-community deliveries of goods and, respectively, 300,000 lei for intra-Community acquisitions of goods.


Economic operators that during 2010 have made exchanges of goods with EU Member States whose annual value, separately for the two streams, deliveries, and respectively, acquisitions of goods, exceed the values of Intrastat threshold set for 2010 are required to fill in and submit the National Institute of Statistics Intrastat statements, starting with January 2011.


Also during 2011 can become Intrastat data providers other economic operators which makes intra-Community trade of goods whose cumulated value starting from the beginning of the year exceeds the Intrastat thresholds set for 2011. These economic operators are required to fill in and submit Intrastat statements starting with the month when the aggregated value from the beginning of 2011 of intra-community deliveries and/or acquisitions exceeds the Intrastat thresholds established, separately for the two streams, deliveries, and respectively acquisitions of goods.

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