Latest news regarding our business, new employees and our participation at specific events.
Notifications about fiscal inactivity: What to pay attention to and what risks arise |
Tax Code will be amended from 1 August: Tax incentives for research and agriculture |
Form 088: Several documents are eliminated, new requirements and details about activity are introduced |
The fiscal regime for microenterprises has been complicated, but offers minor tax advantages |
All companies with VAT code might file the form 088 if they have debts or if ANAF identifies differences between the data reported in 394 |
Income from abroad: Who needs to declare it and when? |
Financial Statements: Even if it is allowed to correct errors, you will be fined! |
Benefits for employees: more favorable tax treatment in 2016, award criteria, examples |
What to know about financial statements: Criteria, auditing obligations, deadlines, and sanctions |
Debt cancellation: How is the fiscal facility applied for obligations established by the tax audit? |