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Are you prepared? The tax inspection could come!

A week ago, ANAF has released the press a list of the companies where tax inspections started or are planned to be initiated. The concerned main area is the retail.

In this context, we remind you that there is a high risk for the tax inspections to establish supplementary amounts to be paid. For example, in the first semester of 2015, the fiscal inspection established additional obligations of 10.2 billion lei, growing more than 100 % compared to the same period of last year.

Also, we notice the tendency of the tax inspectors to notify more frequently the criminal authorities, after the inspections are carried out, on the basis of some suspicions of tax evasion. Regardless the result of these actions, take in consideration that a criminal complaint will create an additional pressure for the business.

Contexpert recommends you to have both a preventive behavior before the beginning of the verification and a professional approach during the control. Below we present a few tips from our team for the inspections that will be in progress, according to the current Fiscal Procedure Code.

Attention! One of the main areas of tax inspections is, lately, VAT deductibility.

What are the favorite areas for the tax inspections?


What are the stages of the tax inspection?



Some tips for the companies during the inspection:

What documents should you provide during the inspection?