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Form 394: From this month, all operations including those with non-taxable persons have to be declared!

Form 394 will include all operations to / from all companies and individuals, both taxable and non-taxable, beginning with October 2016.

Until September, the form is submitted only for operations with persons registered for VAT purposes, practically being declared the same information as in the previous version. Beginning with this month the information will be more complex and the volume of data to be reported will be significantly higher, with implicitly increased risk of errors.

Form 394 has to be filed for any taxable operation in Romania for which an invoice is issued, including advances, for the operations to which the VAT cashing system or reverse charge is applied, and also for self-invoicing operations and for those that are based on tax bills.

What has to be declared this month?

All operations – deliveries and acquisitions – with all legal persons and individuals, from Romania or from outside it, except for certain types of intra-community operations. The new sections of the statement that have to be filed in are:

Note: Until October there was no obligation to declare tax bills. We mention as from January 2017, the first name, name, personal code number or CUI and the complete address have to be declared in form 394 for all invoices issued to individuals, regardless of value.

Thus, the main information declared is for:

The statement 394 is the main tool used by the tax authorities for risk analysis. Under  these circumstances, the information are confronted with those of your business partners and the types of transactions and the persons involved in the transactional circuit are analyzed  in order to trigger fiscal audits.