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Taxes for the company building’s drop! Especially if they have residences.

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The companies will be advantaged by the new buildings tax system, which will be applied from 2016 onwards. Local councils has started to prepare the decision reports regarding the tax for the next year and a part of them were approved.

According to the draft decisions consulted by Contexpert, the big cities tend to choose the maximum tax rate, as set by the new Fiscal Code for the company building’s. Even if the new Fiscal Code established for the residential buildings a tax of 0.08% and 0.2%, compared to 1.5% in present, the decrease is significant.

In the town headquarter, for example, the companies will have a  tax rate of 1.3%, instead of 1.5% for non-residential buildings, with economic purpose and of  0.2% instead of 1.5% for the residential buildings.

On the other hand, for the individuals, the local councils tend to be more indulgent and impose a lower rate for the non-residencial buildings compared to the residencial ones.

 Where does the change comes?

The new Fiscal Code, which will be applied from 1 January 2016 onwards, provides tax rates depending on the destination, rather than the owner, so will be:

What is surprising is that the local councils continue to establish the tax rate in different ways for the two category, according with the tax low limits, althought the law maker intentions was to not discriminate nobody according with the owner title.

We offer you some examples of rates that will be applied from 2016 onwards, according to the tax low of the local councils:


Legal entities


Individuals entities

Legal entities


Individuals entities

Legal entities


Individuals entities

Legal entities


Individuals entities

Legal entities


Individuals entities

Legal entities


Which is the impact?

Overall, beginning from the changes of the New Fiscal Code, the impact will be positive for the companies, and negative for the individuals which have non-residential buildings.


Until 7th of november, according to the law, all the local councils should approve the decisions regarding the tax rate of the building for the next year.

Individuals entities who own non-residential buildings must submit, until 29 february a statement at the local tax direction they belong.

What provides the New Fiscal Code? In detail.

The company’s buildings

Currently, the tax rate is between 0.25% and 1.50%. Most local councils have opted for maximum or near maximum rates (Bucharest 1.5%, Brasov 1.5%, Cluj 1%, Timisoara 0.9%, Craiova 1.5%, Iaşi: 0 95% Sibiu: 1.5%).

From 2016 onwards, the tax rate will be:

The taxable value for the buildings will be the value beginning with 31 December of the preceding year that for which the tax will be due and can be:

The individuals buildings

Now, the tax is calculated by applying the tax rate of 0.1% at the taxable value of the building regardless of its destination.

From 2016 onwards, the tax rate will be:

Remember: If the tax can not be calculated at one of these three values, the rate will be 2% applied at the taxable value calculated as residential buildings

Buildings with mixed purpose

The income tax will be calculated by adding the tax for the area classified as residential buildings and the tax calculated for the area used as non-residential building.

If the two types of surfaces can’t be distinguished, the tax will be due as for the buildings: